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Melissa Morone Sommer


Conditions Effectively Treated by Acupuncture 

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are comprehensive health care systems and one of the most respected healing professions around the globe. It has been practiced for thousands of years and serves a quarter of the world’s population Acupuncture and ICM have increased in public acceptance in the United States and Europe as the fastest growing complementary health care field.


Acupuncture is a safe, natural, and effective treatment for a wide variety of medical conditions. Below is a list of common conditions that Acupuncture effectively treats – if you do not see your particular condition or symptom below – please call for a free consultation. I offer free consultation to all patients – I will sit with you and obtain a brief history of your current medical complaint and previous medical history. If I do not expect you to receive a reasonable degree of benefit from acupuncture I will not recommend treatment. If treatment is indicated, a highly personalized and integrated treatment plan is recommended. I also work integratively with other health providers so that you receive the best care for you!



Osteoarthritis / Sports Injury / Repetitive Strain Injury / Bursitis / Tendonitis / Rheumatoid Arthritis/ Fibromyalgia

Headaches/Migraines / Neck Pain / Stiff Neck / Facial Pain / TMJ / Bell’s Palsey / Tooth Ache

Upper Back Pain / Lower Back Pain / Sciatica / Piriformis Syndrome

Upper Extremity Pain / Shoulder Pain / Frozen Shoulder / Rotator Cuff Injury / Elbow Pain / Tennis Elbow / Golfer’s Elbow / Wrist Pain / Carpal Tunnel / Finger Pain

Lower Extremity Pain / Hip Pain / Knee Pain / Foot Pain / Ankle Pain / Morton’s Neuroma / Plantar Fasciitis / Achilles Tendonitis / Repetitive Strain Injury / Bursitis / Tendonitis


Women’s Health

Amenorrhea (lack of menses) / Dysmenorrhea (painful menses) / PMS / Irregular Menses

PCOS / Infertility 

Pregnancy Symptoms and Support / Induce Labor / Malposition of Fetus / Lactation Deficiency / Postpartum Depression 

Menopausal Symptoms / Hot Flashes / Vaginal Dryness


Men’s Health

Male Sexual Dysfunction / Male Factor Infertility / Low Sperm / Poor Motility / Prostatitis


Gastrointestinal / Urinary

Irritable Bowel Syndrome / Bloating / Gas / Abdominal Pain / Constipation / Diarrhea / Reflux Esophagitis / Colitis / Incontinence / Urinary Disorders / Nausea / Vomiting / Peptic Ulcer



Allergies / Sinusitis / Rhinitis / Asthma / Bronchitis / Common Cold / Sinusitis



Palpitations / Hypertension / High Blood Pressure / Hypotension / Low Blood Pressure / Leukopenia



Anxiety / Stress Management / Depression / Substance Abuse / Addiction / Smoking Cessation / PTSD / Irritability / Appetite Control / Sleep Disturbances / Grief / Sadness / Loss



Fatigue / Lack of Energy / General Malaise / Dizziness / Vertigo / Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears) / Lyme Disease / Weight Control


Symptoms Related to

Post Operative Pain and Recovery / Autoimmune Diseases / Multiple Sclerosis / Lupus / Hashimoto’s / Hypothyroid / Fibromyalgia / Crohn’s Disease / Ulcerative Colitis / Epstein Barr (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) / Diabetes / Metabolic Disorder / Sequele of Stroke / Adverse reactions to Chemotherapy / Radiotherapy / Cancer Pain















































© 2016 Melissa Morone Sommer


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